Image from Field Trip to Gunditjmara Country in Western Victoria
Students interview Aaron Morgan, an Aboriginal Ranger and Budj Bim Tours tourism officer, on the shores of Lake Condah, VIC.

Students during their field trip to Western VIC, in production of content for a mobile walking tour application.

This was a project completed by RMIT Master of Media students in partnership with the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. I coordinated this project as part of my teaching in Collaborative Media Project. The project contributed to an important social cause.

As a screen production educator and researcher, I often collaborate with industry partners in the production of screen and media content. Partners have included Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, ANZ and Westpac banks, and many others. As a sole trader, I have collaborated with many partners and been commissioned for video production work by partners including Body Electric Dance Studios, Mobile Innovation Network Australasia (MINA), and Leading Aged Services Australia.